Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati

Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University) was established in 1983 by Padmashri Dr. N.T. Rama Rao, the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, with the fervent desire to train women students as better builders of the Nation and to inculcate skills of leadership in all aspects of life. Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam Act of 1983 has come into force on the 14 of April 1983. lt was started with ten faculties and 300 students and twenty staff members. Today the University has a student population of 6500 and an academic staff of 250. Currently SPMVV has 59 courses at the post-graduate and undergraduate level and a good component of research. Central Govt. has sanctioned 100 Crores to the University Under P.M Usha Scheme.
Under Graduate Programmes:
B.Ed, B.Ed (Special-Hearing impaired), LL.B (3 & 5 years),
B.Pharmacy, B.P.Ed, B.Sc Nursing and GNM, B.Tech & B.Voc. courses viz.,
(I) Fashion Technology and Apparel Designing (3 years)
(ii) Nutrition and Health Care Sciences (3 years)
Honours course in B.Sc. Statistics and B.S.W.
Post Graduate Programmes:
M.Sc Applied Mathematics, Applied Microbiology, Bio-Chemistry, Bio-Technology, integrated Bio-Technology (5 Years), Botany, Home Science – (i) Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics (ii) Community Health & Nutrition, (iii) Food Science and Quality Control, (iv) Human Development & Family Studies, Sericulture, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Industrial Microbiology, Integrated Food Technology (5 years), M.Pharmacy, M.C.A, M.Tech, Statistics, M.Vocational Courses-(i) Fashion Technology and Apparel Designing (ii) Nutrition and Health Care Sciences, M.Sc. Clinical Psychology and M.Sc Counseling Psychology courses.
M.A.: English Language & Literature, Telugu Language, Literature & Translation, Music (Veena & Vocal), Bharathanatyam, Gender Studies, Economics, MSW (Social Work), M.C.J. (Communication & Journalism) MBA in Media Management, M.Ed, M.Ed Special Education (Hearing Impaired), Master’s in Fine Arts (5 years Integrated), M.B.A, LL.M, M.P.Ed , M.Com and BA/MA Public Policy Anthropology Courses.
PG Diploma Courses: Family Health and HIV/AIDS counseling, Early Childhood Care & Education, Advanced Bioinstrumentation, Yoga and Beauty Care & Wellness.
Certificate Courses: Vocal, Veena, Bharatanatyam, Devotional Music, Kuchipudi, Violin, Key Board, Traditional folk Music, Guitar and yoga.
DDE Offers: Master of Arts ( Music) and Diploma in Music.
International Courses: Advanced Diploma in Music & Bharathanatyam (Level 1 to 4) through TANA, Suswara & Raga-vahini Music Academies, USA; lndo-Sweden 6 year B.Tech program and Ph.D., Programmes in Computer Science, Bio-Sciences, Music, UMT Malaysia.
International Relations Office (IRO): Acts as nodal centre to facilitate strategic international linkages between Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s’ University) and different foreign Universities and Institutions for strengthening Internationalization in higher education. SPMVV has MoUs with Universities across the Globe and mutually working in the areas of faculty and student exchange, student internship and research projects.
The Overseas Education Facilitation Cell (OEFC): On the campus functions across the academic year by Creating awareness on avenues for higher studies abroad and also students from abroad to pursue higher education in SPMVV.
Student Amenities:
Physical Amenities: Green and Environment friendly Campus, Ten Hostels for girls, well furnished Classrooms, Laboratories, Canteen and Recreation rooms, Auditorium with 1000 seating capacity and seminar halls, Buildings with ramps for physically challenged, 100% automated Central Library with E. Resources, INFLIBNET and DELNET, Day Care Centre for children of staff & students.
Health Care: On campus Health Centre with residential staff, Clinical Laboratory for routine investigations, 24 X 7 Ambulance service, Referral services as and when required, Periodical Health Camps, Specialized consultant services (Ophthalmology & Dentistry), 6 Bedded Inpatient Ward. The facility for ultra sound scanning is also made available to the students and staff from the academic year 2019-20.
Sports & Games: lndoor stadium for table tennis, shuttle, caroms, Play Grounds/ Courts for Volley ball, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Hand ball, Ball Badminton, Cricket, Hockey & Tennis, Gymnasium-Multi-Gym facility with 11 stations, 4O0 mts Athletic Track, Sports Hostel.
Campus synergy for Entrepreneurship & Skill Development: Soft skills and Language Lab facilities, United Nations-Asia pacific centre for lCT, as a ToT Centre for Women Entrepreneurship. APSSDC Skill Centre in the campus for continuous skilling programmes for the students. SPMVV Society for lnnovation, lncubation and Entrepreneurship (SSllE) with DST-NlDHl Technology Business lncubator (TBl), Robotics and loT laboratories, Life sciences, cell culture and Bioinformatics laboratories, Biotechnology, Bio-NEST incubator, Dassualt’s labs for advanced training for the Engineering and Technical students, Centre for Consultancy’ and Allied services with the consultancy policy, Common Research facility (DST – CURIE), WiFi Centre identified in India by UNAPCICT, Wellness centre.
lT: 24/7 Wi-Fi Enabled Campus.
Placements – 51% in 2020, 75% in 2021, 2022, 75%, 2023 through Placement Cell
Vice Chancellor I/c Registrar
Prof. V. Uma Prof. N. Rajani
(Women’s University), TIRUPATI
Accredited by NAAC with “A+’’ Grade
lSO 9001 : 2015 Certified
Tel: +91-877-2248416, 2284588