Army Institute of Technology, Pune

AIT is the top ranked Engineering Institute established in 1994 by Army Welfare Education Society, exclusively for the wards of Army and Ex-Army personnel. In the recent rankings published by Dataquest, AIT is at 21st position nationally and 4th in west zone. The college is approved by AICTE and accredited by NAAC and NBA. AIT offers full time BE course in various specializations under UG.
Placements: Despite current challenging situation, AIT’s placement percentage is 90% for 2022-23 batch with average salary – Rs 16.25 Lakh (CS/ IT), Rs 12.70 Lakh (E&TC), Rs 10.65 Lakh (Mech). For 2022 batch as well, we achieved great heights with all premium industries visiting. We witnessed an unprecedented jump in Campus Placements of 2022 batch, with all previous records broken. Total – 97 % placement percentage, overall average salary – Rs 14.70 lakh, avg salary branch wise – Rs 17.15 Lakh (CS/IT), Rs 12.45 (E&TC), Rs 7.20 Lakh (Mech).
Scholarships: Udchalo, Bihar Regiment, TATA Merit, Deutsche Bank, Belrise Industries, Persistent and Indian Express Readers Merit Scholarship are awarded to meritorious students. A large number of Merit cum Means scholarships are also disbursed every year to eligible students.
Courses Offered:
Computer Engineering 120 seats
Electronics & Telecom Engg. 120 seats
Mechanical Engineering 60 seats
Information Technology 60 seats
Special Features:
High Quality Intake purely on JEE (Mains) merit
Residential institute with all facilities
Emphasis on experiential learning
Special emphasis on all round development of students
Many green initiatives including massive tree plantation, Rain water harvesting, Solar Plant (340 KWH), Solar water heaters, Passive STP, Solar street lights.
Brigadier Abhay Bhat (Retd)
Training & Placement Officer:
Prof. Manoj Khaladkar
Army Institute Of Technology
Dighi hills, Alandi Rd,
Pune – 411015, Maharashtra
Tel: 07249250183/ 184/ 185