HED Higher Education Directory – The Most Comprehensive Compendium of higher education information in India including AICTE & UGC approved Institutes / Universities.
Your Gateway to higher education featuring largest number of Colleges & Institute across the country. Search and reach the college directly with all courses, admission process & fees details at one place.
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In today’s knowledge-driven era, higher education is a precondition to full and satisfying participation in the global economy and society. Globally, the rate of participation in higher education continues to rise. We take pleasure in presenting to HED Higher Education Directory, a compendium of Universities, Colleges & institutes in India offering large number of courses in Under Graduate, Post Graduate &
Professional Programs. India is experiencing a revolutionary change in higher education.
The 2024 edition of HED lists 3225 institutions in 530 cities across the country. The directory is comprehensive in an easy-to-refer style making. It is a useful instant reference-based publication for students, parents and others seeking information on higher education in India. For employers, it is a single source of information on higher education providers all over India, so that the available fresh talent can be placed directly from the campus.
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Higher Education Directory Higher Education Directory is an authentic, exhaustive and handy publication which gives latest information on Colleges including the courses, facilities, job placements, fees and more. The publication lists largest number of institutions in India. Latest print edition contains 3225 institutes in more than 550 cities. You can order Printed Book & PDF file.
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HED captures complex information of higher education in the most inclusive manner. We deliver very high readership across 3 media platforms Print, Digital and Mobile. Universities and colleges are featured in the listing format focusing on Informed decision making by the students. We extensively promote colleges & universities across India among the students, parents councilors. Get your institute listed in HED today. How to list? View Listing Details!

Indian Colleges & Universities
Colleges are listed in a systematic manner according to statewise giving full information including courses, facilities, fees, ranking, employers etc. the courses, facilities, job placements, fees. Engineering, Medical, Business / BBA, Hotel Management / Aviation, Banking / Finance, Law, Computer and IT, Teacher Training, Certification Course, Soft Skills.

International Colleges & Universities
HED is the only consolidated source of information on international higher education universities, colleges and institutes. Featuring UK, Australia, Ireland, Canada, it opens the information source for students to compare all the merits including the rankings, job opportunities, cost, facilities etc.

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HED is available on multiple devices – web, ipad and mobile.
Access full course information, Under Graduate, Post Graduate & Professional Courses with full information, on your fingertips.
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HED Higher Education Directory is your perfect reference while seeking information on College & Institute facilities in India, including Under Graduate, Post Graduate & Professional Programs
Annual Editions for the last 14 years