School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi

The School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi is an Institute of National Importance providing under-graduate, Post-graduate and PhD programs in Architecture, Planning and related fields. In its 80 years of existence, the School has retained its position of prominence in the country, contributing to the growth of the profession and producing eminent professionals in the field. Today, it stands as one of the top globally competitive centres of learning, R&D, innovation and capacity building in the area of the built environment.
Director: Prof. Virendra Kumar Paul
Facilities for Students :
- Centre for Analysis and Systems Studies (CASS)
- Geographic Information System (GIS) Lab
- Centre for Remote Sensing (CRS)
- Audio-Visual Unit (AVU)
- Centralised Library
- Documentation and Publications Unit
- Conservation Materials Laboratory (CML)
- Industrial Design Workshop
- Materials Testing & Surveying Laboratory
- Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
- Placement Cell
- Massive Open Online Courses
- Intellectual Property Cell
- Design Innovation Centre
- Cultural Societies
- National Student Associations
- Sport Facilities
- Festivals and Exhibitions
- 12 (Twelve) Centres
- Anti Sexual Harassment Unit (ASHU)
- Internal Grievance Redressal committee (IGRC)
- Anti-Ragging Committee
Courses Offered :
Under Graduate Courses
Bachelor of Architecture
Bachelor of Planning
Post Graduate Courses
Master of Architecture (Architectural Conservation)
Master of Architecture (Landscape Architecture)
Master of Architecture (Urban Design)
Master of Building Engineering and Management
Master of Design (Industrial Design)
Integrated Master of Planning
Master of Planning (with specialization in Environmental Planning)
Master of Planning (with specialization in Housing)
Master of Planning (with specialization in Regional Planning)
Master of Planning (with specialization in Transport Planning)
Master of Planning (with specialization in Urban Planning)
PhD Program
Doctoral Programs are offered by all departments of studies.
*UG Tuition Fees (Semester wise): 49,000/-
*UG Hostel Fees (Semester wise): 11,000/-
* 50% Concession for SC/ST Students
Number of Semesters:
UG B. Plan 08 Semesters
UG B. Arch. 10 Semesters
PG 04 Semesters
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
An “Institution of National Importance” under an Act of Parliament
(Ministry of Education)
(Government of India)
4-Block-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi – 110002
Tel: +91-11-2370 2375, 23702376