Gautam Buddha University

Gautam Buddha University, established by the Uttar Pradesh Act (9) of 2002, commenced its first academic session at its 511 acres lush green campus at Greater Noida in August 2008.
Recognition and Inclusion by the University Grants Commission of India (UGC) under section 12 B of the University Grants Commission, UGC ACT 1956. Recognised under UGC Section 12B and NAAC accredited with B+ Grade.
Management –
UG: Dual Degree BBA-MBA; B.Com. (Hons.); PG: MBA (HRM / Finance / Marketing / Operations/ Business Analytics); MBA (Business Analytics and Data Science) in association with IBM or any equivalent reputed industry.
Doctoral: Ph.D. (Management).
Information and Communication Technology –
UG: B.Tech. (CSE / ECE / IT); B.Tech. CSE (AI/ ML / Cyber Security / Data Science / IoT) in association with IBM or any equivalent reputed industry. B.Tech. (ECE) AI & ML / VLSI Design; Integrated B.Tech.-M.Tech. (CSE/ ECE); B.Tech. (Lateral Entry) (CSE / ECE / IT) B.Tech. (Lateral Entry) CSE (AI / ML / Cyber Security/ Data Science); BCA.
PG: MCA (AI/ Data Science); M.Tech. CSE (SE / AIR / Data Science / WCN); M.Tech. ECE (VLSI Design / WCN / RST & RAMS); M.Tech. (ICT).
Doctoral: Ph.D. (CSE/ ECE).
Biotechnology –
UG: B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biotechnology/ Forensic Science)
PG: Integrated B.Tech.-M.Tech. Biotechnology/ MBA; M.Tech. (Biotechnology); M.Sc. (Biotechnology/ Molecular Medicine/ Microbial
Biotechnology / Bioinformatics and Genomics).
Doctoral: Ph.D. (Biotechnology).
Law, Justice and Governance –
UG: B.A. LL.B; PG: LL.M. (1year)
Doctoral: Ph.D. (Law)
Humanities and Social Sciences –
UG: B.A. (Hons.) in Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, English, Political Science, History, Economics; B.A. in (JMC); B.Ed.; B.A. B.Ed.; B.Sc. B.Ed.; B.Com. B.Ed.; B.A. / B.Sc. (Hons.) in Applied Psychology; BPES; BSW;
PG: MSW; M.A. (Sociology / Hindi / Sanskrit / English / Political Science and International Relations / Urdu / History / Education / Economics / Hindu Studies / Human Rights / Public Policy and Governance); M.A. (JMC); M.Lib.I.Sc.; M.Lib.I.Sc. One Year (Lateral); M.A. / M.Sc. (Applied Psychology); M.Phil. (Clinical Psychology); M. A. Lateral Entry (JMC).
Doctoral: Ph.D. (Political Science & International Relations / English / Psychology / Journalism & Mass Communication/ Education / Human Rights).
Engineering –
UG: B.Tech. (CE/ EE); B.Tech. (ME) & with minors (Mechatronics & Automation/ Automobile & Industrial Engineering); B.Tech. (Robotics & AI); B.Tech. (EE) (AI and ML / Electric Vehicles / Industrial Automation / Biomedical Engineering / Computer Engineering); B.Tech. (Electrical & Computer Engineering)/ (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Integrated B.Tech. – M.Tech. (EE)/ MBA; B.Tech. (Lateral Entry)(CE/ ME/ EE) B.Arch.; B.Des. (Interior Design / Textile Design).
PG: MURP; M.Tech. (CE) (Structural Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Transportation Engineering / Geotechnical and Geo Environmental Engineering / Construction Management); M.Tech. (EE) (Power System/ Power Electronics and Drives/ Instrumentation and Control Engineering / Renewable Energy/ Power and Energy System); M.Tech. (ME) Design Engineering / Manufacturing Engineering / Thermal Engineering).
Doctoral: Ph.D. (CE / EE / ME / Architecture and Planning).
Buddhist Studies and Civilization –
UG: B.A. (Hons.) in Buddhist Studies.
PG: M.A. Buddhist Studies.
Doctoral: Ph.D. (Buddhist Studies).
Vocational Studies and Applied Sciences –
UG: B.Tech. (Food Processing and Technology / Mathematics and Computing); B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics/ Environmental Science/ Physics/ Chemistry; B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics.
PG: M.Sc. (Physics/ Mathematics/ Chemistry/ Environmental Science/ Food Science/ Geology); M.Tech. (Food Processing and Technology); PG Diploma (Polyurethane Technology).
Doctoral: Ph.D. (Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/ Environmental Science/ Food Processing and Technology).
Weekend Programmes for Working Professionals:
B. Tech. (Civil Engineering);
MBA Executive, M.Tech. (EE, ME, CE, );
M. Tech.(CSE); LL.M. (2 Years)
Vice-Chancellor: Prof. Ravindra Kumar Sinha
Gautam Buddha University
Opp. Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar – 201312, Uttar Pradesh
Tel: 0120-2344200